Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Thing #10: Image Generators

Oooo, fun! I hope one of your learning objectives wasn't "improve productivity," cause this is gonna have the opposite effect! I had way too much fun with this, to wit: At I tried the 1st 3--
Dummies Book Cover Maker (easiest)
Comic Strip Generators (couldn't find what I wanted in a quick search--their keyword searching doesn't work very well--chose amine and got a lot of pix of animals. Excuse me?)
Tarot Card Name Generator (mostly easy, except adjusting placement of the text took many tries).

Want to see what I did? One is included in this post; the other is on my office door.


Nice Guy said...

I did a search for anime on the comic maker, I got more results for anime characters, it wasn't too hard to only choose an anime cartoon at all....

Unknown said...

Excellent. Now SoCal can fail to increase our productivity too!