Oooo, fun! I hope one of your learning objectives wasn't "improve productivity," cause this is gonna have the opposite effect! I had way too much fun with this, to wit: At http://www.imagegenerator.org/ I tried the 1st 3--
Dummies Book Cover Maker (easiest)
Comic Strip Generators (couldn't find what I wanted in a quick search--their keyword searching doesn't work very well--chose amine and got a lot of pix of animals. Excuse me?)
Tarot Card Name Generator (mostly easy, except adjusting placement of the text took many tries).
Dummies Book Cover Maker (easiest)
Comic Strip Generators (couldn't find what I wanted in a quick search--their keyword searching doesn't work very well--chose amine and got a lot of pix of animals. Excuse me?)
Tarot Card Name Generator (mostly easy, except adjusting placement of the text took many tries).
Want to see what I did? One is included in this post; the other is on my office door.
I did a search for anime on the comic maker, I got more results for anime characters, it wasn't too hard to only choose an anime cartoon at all....
Excellent. Now SoCal can fail to increase our productivity too!
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